AllChars for Windows versie 1.20 UK *** FREEWARE *** Copyright (C) 94-96 Jeroen Laarhoven Geleen 12 8032 GB Zwolle The Netherlands What is AllChars ? ------------------ AllChars for Windows is a Windows 3.1 and Windows95 utility that makes all ANSI-characters easy accessable within every Windows application. Just type a CTRL-key (and release it !) followed by two characters that combined specify the character. AllChars is very intuitive in usage, transparent to other programs and adjustable by the user. Type CTRL h h to show all special characters and there key-combinations. Is usage free ? --------------- Yes, it is now. After experimenting with SHAREWARE (which gave to much hussle for to less money) AllChars for Windows is now FREEWARE, free to use. But ... Al!Chars is fully copyrighted. Installing and using Al!Chars ----------------------------- Just copy this stuff to any directory and add ALLCHARS.EXE to your startup group if you want to start it every time Windows starts. Read ALLCHARS.WRI for more information.